The Miami Experience came and went, but the impact it had is lasting. God did something supernatural that night. He commissioned each of us to change the nation of Nicaragua. He anointed us for the movement that we will help create.
As we walked into the Fillmore, you could feel the energy of expectant hearts eager to fulfill the call of God on their lives — the call to change a nation for Jesus.

The Planetshakers set the vibe through a worship set that brought us to tears. Picture this, 2,500+ world changers lifting up the name of Jesus in unison.
Throughout the night, we were inspired by the messages that God placed on the hearts of Jedidiah Thurner, Gabe Bahlhorn, and Dominic Russo, as they cast vision for this week.
Check out The Miami Experience Recap Video to see exactly what we’re talking about. To see a nation transformed before your very eyes, visit the blog daily for recaps of this eventful week!

We’re so excited about this mission endeavor. Many in California are praying that the hearts of the people of Nicaragua will be given to God. May He receive the glory for the faithful witnesses that are on this mission field. God bless you all! Also, our 16 year old granddaughter is on this mission trip with you all. It’s the first time she has ever been able to be a part of anything like this. We know that she will come home much wiser than when she left. Thank you for making this possible.
Awesome!!You are in my prayers for a profound impact on that country that will spread to other countries in Central and South America !! Favor also with the necessary individuals!!