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April Medical Team Newsletter

Welcome to the Medical Team webpage for 1Nation1Day. Thank you for your commitment to serve Christ in caring for the lost, the broken and the impoverished families of Peru. We hope and pray that as you embrace 1Nation1Day Peru that Christ will provide numerous opportunities for you to open you heart and share your witness for the spiritual and physical needs of our patients. We have heard a very clear and consistent message coming from Peru, the people and churches are very excited to work with our international teams. This is an incredible opportunity! The 1Nation1Day Medical Advisory Council (MAC) has worked to enhance the Medical Team Webpage. Here you will find numerous multi-disciplinary links to valuable resources, contacts to address questions to the Council, blogs to interact with your international team members and an opportunity to share your testimony with those first time members.

Our goals are to enhance dialog amongst the teams, team build and assist in your clinical preparation. We encourage you to ask questions, share your experiences and share resources that may be helpful to other team members in your area of expertise. The MAC wants assure that your experience with 1Nation1Day is one in which you will be spiritually filled, clinically rewarded and personally enriched in your desire for future mission trips with 1Nation1Day or other missionary endeavors. If you know any other providers with a heart for medical missions, we encourage you to share this site with them or have them contact us. Just a few housekeeping items to address:

1. Although medical supplies will be provided, we encourage you to bring children and adult vitamins in your luggage. We do no recommend bringing the “Gummies” children vitamins since they will coalesce in the heat and the children often eat them all in one setting.

2. For any personal equipment you are bringing, such as stethoscopes, otoscope, ophthalmoscopes, scissors and supplies, you need to make and an inventory list of the items you will be bringing. Keep one copy in the bad and carry another one with you.

3. Stay tuned for provider, pharmacy, team leader and team member calls to get the latest updates

Thank you again for your dedication to serve the patients and families of Peru.

Dr. Gregg

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