Here are some helpful resources as you begin preparing for your 1Nation1Day experience.
- CDC – Immunization and Anti-Malarial Recommendations
- Protection against Mosquitoes, Ticks, & Other Arthropods
- Peru – World Health Organization
- Peru – Pan American Health Organization
International Standards & Guidelines, Best Practices in Global Health Missions
- International Standards & Guidelines (IS&Gs) and Health Missions
- Christian Contributions to International Standards & Guidelines
- Best Practices in Global Health Missions
- Accord Network Principle of Excellence in Integral Mission
- Standards of Excellence in Short Term Missions
- The World Health Organization and Faith Based Organizations in Primary Health Care
- CDC: Travel Health and the Yellow Book
- PAHO: 10 vector-borne diseases that put the population of the Americas at risk
- Yellow Fever And Malaria Information
- Travel Medicine References: Books, Journals, Articles & Websites
- Choosing a Drug to Prevent Malaria
- High Altitude Illness
- Best Practices in Global Missions – Oral Health
- Infection Prevention Practices in Dental Settings
- ADA Foundation: International Dental Volunteer Guide
- Best Practices in Global Missions – Nursing
- Nursing Standards
- Agape Article